jaychou1 |
Wysłany: Czw 17:55, 24 Mar 2011 Temat postu: When was the word “couture” established |
,vivienne westwood 2010When was the word “couture” established in the fashion world?
That goes back to the Chambre Syndicale in Paris,louis vuitton replica hand bag, so it’s been around for more than a century. Couture really just means an article of clothing that was made for a specific client. The Chambre Syndicale audits the designer,trade magazine for leather and travel goods, who is then designated as a couturier. A certain number of very specifically skilled seamstresses have to be on hand for a designer to qualify as a couturier. It’s an expensive and dying art form.
Couture and haute couture are used interchangeably. Our department is called vintage couture and accessories. We handle a lot of couture,coach wallets, but we also handle a lot of prêt-à-porter. In the ’60s,buy coach handbags wholesale, prêt-à-porter,fossil rim wildlife center, which is French for ready to wear,Vivienne Westwood Necklaces VW, was introduced and really became the mainstream.
Couture is a very hot topic in the fashion world right now. Chanel puts on couture extravaganzas as a kind of advertising for its ready-to-wear lines. These shows set the tone for Chanel’s season,unusual engagement rings, but they have a very limited couture clientele because no one’s going to spend $200,handbags on sale,000 on a gown for one event anymore.
Gucci is famous for its bamboo-handled miumiu Bags and logo print. This one,mens vivienne westwood, from the 1960s,style necklace, is stamped Gucci. Private Collection,lv pouch for sale, New York,bellino leather goods, New York.
Yes,duct tape wallet patterns, because that’s its birthplace. Chado Ralph Rucci is an American designer,aigner handbags, but he also had to apply to the Chambre Syndicale before he could call himself a couturier. Lots of people call themselves couturiers,leather briefcases italian, but I think there are only around 10 of them working today. It’s an intensive screening process.
Certain designers are really committed to it,personalized name necklace, and there are a lot of Middle Eastern clients right now. There will always be people who’ll commission a wedding gown or debutante ball gown,ladies fossil watches, but the overhead for the couture houses and their shows is incredibly expensive. So it’s seen more as marketing and advertising for the regular lines than an inducement to get people to actually hire Karl Lagerfeld to fit them for an unbelievable evening gown or suit. |