Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Czw 16:54, 24 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Why People Collect miumiu Bags

Why People Collect miumiu Bags,replica louis vuitton replica bags[/b]
Even as a young girl,aaa louis vuitton replicas bags, I was interested in the historical aspect of handbags. I probably started collecting in high school when I became more aware of my own tastes. I went to a small art school for college and did a lot of studio work,lenticular wallet calendar, even though I was an art history major. Eventually,history of the c design on coach handbags, I went to one of Leslie Hindman’s auctions and talked to her about the historical side of things versus the mass market of today’s fashion world. She took a chance and hired me as the director of vintage couture and accessories. That was more than three years ago.
Handmiumiu Bags are like mini-sculptures—they are true works of art. In fact,coach handbags carly, I think fashion in general is an important art form that deserves a secondary collectors market. In terms of my own taste in bags,angelus metallic paint for leather goods, I love the Hermès Constance. It’s one of the more underrated Hermès bags,miumiu fall 2010 fabrics, but I think it’s such a classic.
I like some quirky stuff,tiganello handbags, too. Carlos Falchi is known for his use of snakeskin and lizard skin. I just buy what I like. I’m not going to buy something unless I enjoy looking at it in the same way I would a piece of art.
Collectors Weekly: How long have people carried bags?
Rutherford: Throughout history,heart crystal necklace, people have always had some kind of bag or purse. I think men mostly wore them at first as a sort of carryall. It wasn’t until women began to gain independence and equal rights that high-end purses came along. By the 1920s,vintage leather briefcase, women were freer to do more things. I think the rise of the purse basically paralleled the history of women’s rights.

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